Central Florida Weather

Get the latest updates on the weather, lifestyle, and vacation spots from locals who know it best. Join us as we share our 20 years of experience (and still going) living in Central Florida.

Current Temperatures

As of Oct 12, 2024 07:57 PM
(Click the city for details)
Cedar Key
The Villages
Cocoa Beach
Daytona Beach
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Brought to you by AccuWeather

Weather And Hurricane Info

You can count on us to give you the full weather picture for Central Florida – not just what’s happening right now, but where things are headed too. We keep a close eye on 9 cities across the region to make sure you’re totally prepared.

We go straight to the sources you’d trust for the latest forecasts and predictions. The weather experts are always top of mind for us.

Get Your FREE Hurricane Prep Guide

Hurricanes are an unavoidable part of Florida living. But after weathering a few of these storms over the past couple decades, we’ve picked up some knowledge along the way.

We’ve packed these tidbits into one free, comprehensive hurricane handbook. From prepping your home to stocking up on essential supplies to getting life back to normal afterwards – it’s all covered in this guide.

Just drop your email and it’s yours – because your neighbors always have your back here in the Sunshine State!

Hurricane Guide Opt-In

Central Florida Lifestyle

There’s never a dull moment here in Central Florida – something new is always happening around every corner.

Local resident, snowbird, or just visiting, Central Florida has got the goods to keep you entertained. 

Florida serves up a little bit of everything. That variety is what we love most about this place!

We’re still uncovering new hidden gems every day. The Florida experience just doesn’t quit! 

Just Added

Our blog covers it all with Florida's weather, wildlife, lifestyle, and vacation thrills.

Check Out Our Resource Guides

We’ve been learning all that the Sunshine State has to offer for years now.

Soup to nuts, we’ve got you covered. Tips on outdoor adventures, info on the theme parks, or the scoop on pool supplies and water filtration systems that actually work – it’s all here.

These resource guides are filled with our tried-and-true suggestions. 

About Central Florida Weather

This site is the only click for all your Central Florida weather updates across our covered areas.

If you’re interested in travel, leisure, education or a local just looking for the weather updates – we’ve got it – consider us your new best friends.

But even if analyzing radar maps and cold fronts isn’t your thing, we’ll still keep you in the loop on the essentials. Like whether you can get away with rocking those socks and sandals